Devotion of Time

Thank you, Tom!
Tom Daley – It’s no wonder that Tom is an incredibly dedicated and experienced Administrator having been with the facility/company for 35 years and having literally grown up in nursing homes.
He credits his passion to the people and residents of nursing homes to being raised by his mother, an immigrant RN who made a huge impact in the lives of every skilled nursing home resident in Massachusetts. Tom’s mother, Kathleen Daley, was the founder of the Massachusetts Senior Care Association, an organization dedicated to improve the quality and delivery of long term care services in Massachusetts through research, education and advocacy. A lifelong advocate of the elderly, she and her husband purchased a mansion in Roxbury in 1944 where she raised her family on the top floor and started her own nursing home on the main floors. She grew to eventually own 7 nursing homes and did a lot to change what a nursing home could be. Growing up in this environment has instilled in Tom how important it is to be a caregiver first and foremost, before being an administrator. His family legacy continues with him and his siblings, with 4 out of 5 of Kathleen’s children going into healthcare.
Tom is a true family man, not only in his career pursuits but in his day-to-day life. You can find his family gathering at his house on Sundays for Sunday Dinner, which he hosts with his wife, surrounded by his daughters and grandchildren. Whether he is at home or at work, he believes in people taking care of people. At the end of the day, the values instilled in him by his mother have developed him into the leader he is today.
Having spent his entire life taking care of others, now it is well-deserved that he give himself the gift of time to spend for himself. Your time has truly made a difference here, Tom, and all of us at Next Step Healthcare wish you a happy retirement!